Tuesday, March 26, 2013

turret lathe

Posted by Unknown at 8:29 PM
cnc turret lathe
it is a production lathe used to manufacture any number of identical pieces in the minimum time . it is a development of centre lathe

the main differences between centre and turret lathes are: 

  1. the tool post mounted on the cross slide of a turret lathe is a four way tool . in addition there is a rear tool post mounted on the carriage which holds another tool . whereas in the case of centre lathe the usual practice is to have only one tool post.
  2. the tailstock of the centre lathe is replaced by a turret . this is a hexagonal block , each  side may carry one or more tools . thus, in place of tailstock in a centre lathe which can accommodate only one tool of limited side, the six faces of the turret hold six or more tools. this is a decisive advantage in serial production . these tools may be indexed one after another to perform different operations in a regular order.
  3. the feed movement of each tool set on the turret may be regulated by stops and feed strips. they enable the same tool to perform its operation on each workpiece to a predetermined length , hence duplication work without re measurement.
  4. in a turret lathe , two or more tools may be mounted on the same face of the turret , making it possible to machine more than one surface at a time , thus reducing the total operation time . this type of arrangement is uncommon in a centre lathe
  5. the labor cost required to operate a turret lathe is less than that required in a centre lathe. once the machine has beet set up by a skilled machinist , a semi skilled operator can operate the turret lathe.

Different types of lathes

  • Automatic and half automatic lathe : where all the motions needed for machining a component are executed by the machine itself using one or more camshafts , cams and stops. it is used for machining small components in mass productions. it has the highest productivity compared to other lathes, the use of automatic lathe for production of small number of pieces is uneconomical due to the high cost of machine tools. tool holders and the long time of machine setting and adjusting.

 half automatic lathe

  • Facing Lathe : it has no tailstock . it is used for machining shorter components of great diameters as flywheels and pulleys 
facing lathe

  • Vertical Lathe : its clamping plate is horizontal and rotates around teh vertical axis . it is used for machining big parts of complicated shapes as boxes, frames and large gears.
Vertical Lathe 

  • coping lathe: 
    coping lathe


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